Volunteer with us!
Volunteer with us!
We would love to have you for as much or as little as you’re looking to volunteer. Whether one of our projects has been calling to you, or you are looking for a community to support for whatever it needs, contact us today to get started with us!
Don’t have time to volunteer? Donate!
Your support keeps our programs growing and improving! Without you, we wouldn’t be able to raise as many food donations for places like the Sunday Breakfast Mission, toy donations for children in need, acres for land conservancy, and everything in between!
Spread the word.
If you like what we’re doing, tell your friends, family, and neighbors about the 302 Phalanx Foundation! Bring them to the next monthly Social Gathering, or enjoy one of our events! Whether choosing to volunteer, donate, or become an advisor, you’ll be making friends and having a positive effect on YOUR Community.